Use these Blue Buttons to become a NEW subscription member or to RENEW an existing membership.
The work we do is carried out by our team of volunteers, but even so it costs us money to continue this work. SHC is self funded & receives no financial support other than our own generated income. This comes primarily from Subscription Membership and donations, for which we are extremely grateful. Our on-line shop is growing in popularity & provides much needed additional funds.
By taking out an annual Membership Subscription you will receive a regular copy of the Smethwick Heritage Centre’s quarterly magazine, “The Telephone,” delivered to your door. Subscribers also qualify for a discount off the regular price of our Genealogy sessions, as well as helping us to continue to celebrate the rich & diverse history of our wonderful town.
Each edition of The Telephone contains a wide variety of historical articles & reminiscences of Smethwick, news of forthcoming events, exhibitions & Roadshows and of course lots of photographs old & new. There is also a regular selection of readers’ letters.
You can now take out a new membership subscription, (or renew an existing subscription), on our website, just click on the appropriate Membership button above, or by calling our membership Helpline on 07500 509475 where you can pay with your credit or debit card.
Many members still like to visit us at the Smethwick Heritage Centre Lodge in person to renew their subs, and we are always glad to welcome them. We accept cash, cheques or credit/debit cards.
Membership runs on a “rolling year” basis, with renewals due on the anniversary of your initial subscription.
Membership now runs on a “rolling year” basis.
New members are vital to us so please consider adding a relative or friend.